Helping You Avoid Costly Mistakes In Your Real Estate Projects
Real estate is just one way to improve your community. In Columbus, our lawyers at Neiman Law help companies and individuals with real estate transactions and related issues.
Even the smallest missed detail can lead to thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of missed opportunities. With a business mind, an eye for detail and experience assisting with multimillion-dollar transactions throughout Columbus and nationwide, our real estate team can help guide your project to success.
From Planning To Closing, You Can Trust Our Team At Neiman Law To Be There For You
Real estate transactions, especially large-scale projects, can easily be led off course by seemingly minor mistakes. Working with an experienced real estate attorney in Ohio from the beginning of your project to its completion can help you avoid these costly mistakes and prevent issues from arising.
One of our experienced Columbus real estate lawyers can help you with sound legal advice and detailed assistance at every step of your real estate project, including:
- Real estate transactions
- Permits and zoning
- Litigation and dispute resolution
- Leases
- Real estate contracts
Working with a local real estate lawyer in Ohio who understands zoning and land use laws can be integral to your success. For someone unfamiliar with the intricacies of real estate matters, it is easy to miss important details. You can trust our attorneys’ knowledge and creative approach to solve even the most complex problems. Having helped some of the largest corporations in Ohio and throughout the country develop property, they understand what it takes to be successful in real estate.
What Is An Ohio Opportunity Zone?
The Ohio Opportunity Zone program aims to address the economic inequality that arose following the housing market crisis in 2007 and 2008. The program targets long-term private investments to help grow distressed areas and low-income communities. Opportunity zones provide benefits for taxpayers who invest, including individuals, partnerships and corporations. If you are interested in the benefits of the Ohio Opportunity Zone program, our property lawyers are here to discuss your circumstances and answer your questions.
What Are Some Common Development Hurdles For Commercial Property?
Commercial real estate development projects often come with challenges and setbacks. One of the major real estate law matters affecting developers is government regulations. Ever-changing real estate laws can create roadblocks for your project, including those involving zoning, land use, building codes and permit requirements. Financial regulations for commercial lenders may also make it difficult to obtain a loan. Our Ohio real estate attorneys can help you from the start of your project, ensuring that your project meets all property laws and regulations.
What Is Eminent Domain In Real Estate?
Eminent domain is the legal concept that allows local, state and federal government to seize private property to use for a public purpose. Both the U.S. and Ohio constitutions authorize government entities, such as a city, county or federal agency, to take real property from its private owner in exchange for “just compensation.” In eminent domain cases, the definition of “public purpose” traditionally meant structures such as new roads, bridges or fire stations.
In response to a 2005 U.S. Supreme Court decision that stated using eminent domain to transfer property from one private owner to another for “economic development” is a permissible form of public purpose, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled that economic benefit alone does not justify taking property under eminent domain. However, it may still be possible for a private developer to get assistance from a government body in obtaining land through eminent domain.
Usually, the controversy in one of these legal issues is not whether the government’s taking of the property is legal, but whether the government is offering fair compensation to the owner. The owner and government are often far apart on the property’s current market value, with litigation sometimes being the only solution.
Work With Our Columbus Real Estate Lawyers To Successfully Complete Your Real Estate Project
From the planning phase of your project to the final closing, Neiman Law is here for you. Whether you need help negotiating the sale agreement or are running into problems with zoning and permits, our attorneys have the skills and knowledge to help you solve these real estate issues and meet your goals. Contact a real estate attorney today to schedule a discovery call and learn more about how they can help your project succeed. Call Neiman Law at 614-454-3579 or complete our online contact form.